Friday, July 13, 2007

The campaign continues, thank you

If the CD8 Republican Association bought as much publicity exposing Rep. Giffords liberal voting record as the publicity that is given by the Sierra Vista Herald to her for free, it would cost a fortune.

In the 3 July 2007, on the front page a 7.5 X 5.5 colored photo of Rep. Giffords captioned, "Congress woman tours county". WOW! Looks like she did come up with some earmark money for the Upper San Pedro Partnership that apparently warrants front page, colored photo, coverage. When a paper publishes articles such as this for a politician, they should be made responsible for publishing how much this would cost as a campaign item.

When one reads material such as this, one should immediately go to: to cool any adoration and to see just how wrong it is for the paper and locals to support such a liberal.


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