Friday, July 13, 2007

A chink in the armor follow up

----- Original Message -----
From: Sean McCaffrey
To: Strider
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 10:05 AM
Subject: RE: [SPAM] - A chink in the armor

Concerning Rep. Giffords blatant refusal to release her pork-barrel earmark requests, she doesn’t want her constituents to know who she’s asking to spend YOUR taxpayer money for. She doesn’t want constituents to know how much of YOUR taxpayer money she’s trying to secretly spend. And she doesn’t want them (or you) to know when her “good friend” Nancy Pelosi doesn’t help her deliver the goods back to the district (or wherever else Giffords is trying to spend YOUR taxpayer money). In other words, what YOU do know can only hurt Gabrielle Giffords, so in the true spirit of the Democrat Party, its best YOU JUST DON’T KNOW.

This is bad government at its worst – and should be near the top of the reasons that “Gabby Gotta Go.” Keeping secrets from taxpayers is not only suspect, but it should be illegal. Let’s remember that Democrats had promised to make the earmark process public. And Giffords won’t even tell her constituents? The people who elected her? Ask yourself this: Why won’t Giffords trust you with how she’s spending YOUR money when she’s asking you to trust HER with YOUR vote?

Amazing the Democrat Congress has a record-low 14% approval rating? Oh, wait, that makes perfect sense.

Sean R. McCaffrey
Executive Director, Arizona Republican Party
3501 N. 24th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85016
Office: (602) 957-7770
Fax: (602) 224-0932

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