Saturday, August 04, 2007

Giffords and her check point meetings

Giffords has announced that she will sponsor another meeting about the checkpoint on Tuesday, Aug. 21, at 4 p.m. at the Sahuarita High School auditorium in Pod B.Other members of the steering committee of the new coalition include Tubac residents Sam Chilcote, Rich and Nancy Bohman and Green Valley area residents Nan and Dick Walden, Jim Di Giacomo and Jim Green.

As you may recall, the last check-point meeting by Rep. Giffords was heavily loaded in favor of Giffords. Is there any way to manage illegal alien control without inconveniencing some?

If anyone receiving this notice attends the meeting, if they file a report with the Arizona Town Crier, it will be published.


1 comment:

Tim said...

Maybe if she held some of these sessions in other than Green Valley proximity, a Kolbe tactic, she might get different results.

Such as Benson, Sulphur Springs Valley, Willcox. These areas all have highways that would lend themselves to permanent check points.

And a lot of people that support permanent checkpoints.

Maybe a demonstration project on Highway 80 or Highway 191.