Thursday, April 26, 2007

Last train out of Deadwood

One must assume that the president, more than most others, would probably like for our troops to leave Iraq. Does one think that he goes to bed at night thinking, "Yeah, some more soldiers were killed today." As a matter of fact, Sec. of Defense Gates has now told the leaders of Iraq that the patience of the U.S. is not unlimited. He has generals in the field advising him; he has the joint chiefs of staff advising him; he has the CIA and other intelligence organizations advising him; he has his staff advising him. But, he doesn't have Gabrielle Giffords advising him. She has been in D.C. less than four months and she is an expert on the mid east. She should be. She spent a day or so over there.

Now, here's looks like the plan by Giffords and her Democrats. The U.S. soldiers in the mid east fight until the time table set forth by Giffords, and the Democrats, is reached. Then they shoulder their weapons and report to the embarking station for a ride home. In the meantime, the Al Qaidi knowing when the GIs are leaving continue to blow up things until that time. As soon as the GIs are all gone, the Al Qaidi will stop, also, and peace will reign all over the mid east!

In the 4- 28-07 issue of the SV Herald and other photo of Rep. Giffords that tells of her voting for the legislation designed to undercut the president, and her analysis of what must happen. She noted that the U.S. must focus on the growing terrorism threat in the world and not get bogged down in Iraq. HOW?? And there's more. But, the bottom line is, what are the plans as to how to pull out, and what are the expected consequences if we do, and how do we handle that?

This is the person the voters in Congressional District 8 sent to represent them. Does this represent CD8?? Or, is this a power play in Washington, D.C. between the Democrats and the president. The Republicans lost control of congress because as, Bobby Eberle of GOPUSA said, "On many issues, it seems like our elected representatives simply don’t listen. They head to Washington and think about Washington — not the men and women they represent back home." Is that happening with CD8 now? Did CD8 cut their nose off to spite their face?

The Republicans will take back the district.

Take the time and go Interesting reading.



Anonymous said...

Did you hear that some of the pork projects in the recent Iraq bill that rammed through Congress included a promotion of Gabby from freshman to General?

Anonymous said...

Now she has assumed responsibilites for the Border Patrol.