Saturday, May 12, 2007

Ups and downs

Besides tracking the liberal legislation that is so attractive to Rep. Giffords, we also must be mindful of the legislation and actions designed to get votes for her next time around.

May 10th, 2007
Gabrielle Giffords’ legislation to stop the sale of F-14 parts (currently only used in Iran) has been added to the Department of Defense Authorization bill, which means it’s pretty much a go. Giffords was also able to attach several million dollars’ worth of projects, including:
$5 million in funding authorized for the University of Arizona to continue work on the Asymmetric Threat Response and Analysis Project (ATRAP), in conjunction with Army researchers at Fort Huachuca. This project uses sophisticated algorithms and computer modeling tools to identify patterns in terrorist activity

$5 million in funding authorized for continued research by the Tucson-based Advanced Ceramics Research Inc. into the Silver Fox and Manta unmanned aerial systems. These UAVs are used by the Marine Corps to obtain tactical intelligence

$2 million authorized for the construction of a fire station at the Silver Bell Army Heliport in Marana. The Heliport supports the Army National Guard’s attack helicopter training facility, but does not now have a dedicated firefighting capability.

And in reference to the bill to provide money for the troops, Rep. Giffords said, "“I supported legislation that links our military funding in Iraq to principled and reasonable benchmarks for political and economic progress. I voted for this legislation because Congress must honor its responsibility to provide our troops with the equipment they need in combat while also recognizing that Iraqis must take concrete steps towards creating a stable country for themselves.” Maybe so, but the Republicans didn't see it that way.

Aye: Pastor, Mitchell, Giffords, GrijalvaNo: Renzi, Franks, Shadegg, Flake
But, she used her head with the redeployment act sponsored by Rep. James McGovern, which states in part,

(a) Commencement of Redeployment- Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall commence the redeployment of units and members of the Armed Forces deployed in Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom and contractors operating in Iraq and funded using amounts appropriated to the Department of Defense.

Aye: Pastor, GrijalvaNo: Renzi, Franks, Shadegg, Mitchell, Flake, Giffords
Of course one can expect Pastor and Grijalva be objectionable, no matter what.


Giffords' gotta go

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