For those of you who are not on Patti's list, or know her, she is the Chairwoman for Legislative District 30, which is the largest land mass in CD8. LD30 covers the SE part of Tucson, down thru Green Valley and Sierra Vista. As you can see, she is very active. Patti and her husband put this together for the Green Valley News.
The I-19 Checkpoint and Your Security
I am responding to the Checkpoint Study Group article and the Green Valley News Editorial that appeared in June 20th newspaper. I attended the I-19 Checkpoint Working Group meeting, and the Green Valley/Sahuarita Chamber of Commerce meeting. I came away from both meetings with the following impressions/observations.
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords sponsored this Working Group. Ms. Giffords votes in lockstep with Nancy Pelosi on National/Homelands Security, which includes support of the Amnesty Bill and open borders. Her voting record speaks for itself. She just recently voted against an amendment to fund a border security fence, which makes this Border Patrol checkpoint relevant.
The Working Group’s stated purpose is to provide community input into the Border Patrol’s proposed permanent checkpoint at Kilometer 50 on I-19. The vast majority in this group shares the Giffords’ philosophy and is clearly predisposed to oppose a permanent checkpoint on I-19.
The real purpose is to provide cover for Ms. Giffords. Once this Working Group submits its report denouncing the Border Patrol’s proposal, which they will do, Ms. Giffords will go back to Homeland Security in Washington and use this report to say the people in her Congressional District don’t support or want this permanent checkpoint. She doesn’t want to incur the wrath of her constituents by openly opposing the Border Patrol who believes this checkpoint will make our community safer.
This cover then flows down to the Green Valley Community Coordinating Council (GVCCC) who resolved to study the issue further. Like 10-12 years of studies isn’t enough. Does this bold pronouncement make you HOA residents feel more secure?
It further flows to the Green Valley/Sahuarita Chamber of Commerce who voted against the checkpoint. When has higher crime rates ever been good for commerce and new business investment?
You should know that the GVCCC and the Chamber are represented on this Working Group.
And all the above obtain cover from the Green Valley News Editorial Staff as evidenced by their editorials opposing the checkpoint.
So who is looking out for our security interest? The Border Patrol has steadfastly contended for years that this checkpoint is essential to their efforts to reduce the flow of illegal immigrants, human and drug trafficking.
Most residents of Green Valley have no idea how dangerous their community is at night. Engage a Border Patrol Agent who services this area and after you say “thanks for your service” ask the agent what goes on in your community after the sun sets. Then ask one of your local Minutemen who deserve your gratitude as well. Remember, the Minutemen Organization was formed for a reason.
This Working Group portends they are concerned about safety and security. Members acknowledge that the “experts” are the Border Patrol. And they “support the Border Patrol and their mission”. Sound familiar? This is the same mantra that you hear about the War on Terror. Then you hear the resounding ‘BUT’ followed by the inevitable undermining of what the Border Patrol is convinced is the best solution for our safety and security.
Two subgroups were formed at the last meeting as described in the newspaper. I characterized the subgroup assigned to find “other solutions”, as the “Hell No” group. Most people in this subgroup won’t support a permanent checkpoint, anywhere, under any circumstances. The other subgroup will report “NO, BUT”.
Folks, this threat to our community is up close and personal. This Working Group is counting on your complacency until its too late. You can put your trust in the Border Patrol or the open borders/amnesty crowd.
If you want to demonstrate your support the Border Patrol’s attempts to improve your safety/security in the community that you chose to live, please contact all of the following and express your desire for the permanent checkpoint on I-19 and/or circulate a petition among your neighborhood and submit it to the GVCCC or the Chamber.
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords – Tucson Office @ 520-881-3588 or Fax 520-322-9490
Or Wash D.C. Office @ 202-225-2542 or Fax 202-225-0378
GVCCC @ 520-648-1936 or Fax 520-648-5079 email:
Green Valley/Sahuarita Chamber of Commerce @ 520-625-7575
James O’Berry
Green Valley
Friday, July 13, 2007
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