Another front page article in the 4 July 2007 of the Sierra Vista Herald with a color photograph of Rep. Giffords titled, "Immigration Overhaul bill dead, so what is next?" But,a funny thing about the article, the internet story shows a large photo of Sheriff Dever!
A nice photo of the sheriff. As to the sheriff, his unanswered question was, "(The senate bill) died because of the comprehensive nature of it, why did this come down to all or nothing?" But, follow the money. Rep. Giffords said that there is a proposed bill that would allocate $150 million to reimburse local authorities for immigration enforcement. A Band-Aid.
But to put the representation for congressional district 8 is proper perspective, the Democrats must be wondering what hit them. Another poll this week has confirmed that the Democrat-led Congress has the worst ratings (13%) in the history of congressional polling. Americans have had six months to watch the Democrats in power. And Giffords is a part of this. While the majority of the nation opposed the senate bill on immigration, and considering the feelings in Arizona about illegal aliens as evidenced by the propositions passed by the people of the state and the bills signed into law, here's what congressional district 8 feels about it as noted by their representative: "The Senate’s decision last Thursday not to move forward on an immigration bill had been “pretty devastating” to proponents of comprehensive reform. “But I just want to let you know that we’re not going to give up,” Giffords said. “There are other steps we can take and other avenues we can more forward with.” (Does she voice your opinion?)
Perhaps rather than being critical of the SV Herald maybe we should be thankful that they report the antics of this liberal, anti Arizona, representative. When CD8 realizes that they have 'shot their selves in the foot', they will elect someone who will represent the values of the CD8.
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