Friday, June 01, 2007

A fiscally conservative Giffords

Would you believe - - - - we have Rep. Giffords who voted for the largest tax hike in history, not counting her lock steps with Nancy Pelosi, trying for a new image. She is still campaigning for reelection.

Giffords, Mitchell vying for membership into conservative Dem group
May 29th, 2007

From The Hill:

It has the makings of a reality TV program: Eight House Democratic lawmakers are vying for five openings in a select society.
But instead of trying to make the cut to join a privileged eating club or sorority, the eight lawmakers want to join the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of self-described fiscally conservative Democratic lawmakers.
Reps. Bart Gordon (Tenn.), Zack Space (Ohio), Chris Carney (Pa.), Harry Mitchell (Ariz.), Gabrielle Giffords (Ariz.), Nancy Boyda (Kan.), Henry Cuellar (Texas) and Nick Lampson (Texas) are competing for the five remaining slots. The winners will be announced next week.


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