Friday, July 13, 2007


Lord help us - - The Arizona red er Daily Star, 6-11-07. has an article titled, "Giffords names 25 to boost area solar." She named 25 to a new council to advise her on the availability and use of solar energy. She says that she has plans introduce several bills that would authorize investment in solar research, extended homeowner tax credit, make national parks showplaces of solar energy, and educate the public about the need for increased solar power use. It may sound good on paper but to start something like that is the camel's nose under the tent flap. More government regulations (control) which is a Democrat trademark. That is project better a free enterprise endeavor. The last thing we need is more federal, not state, but federal laws dictating just how we are to use our energy sources.

When something like this comes along, voters must look to see just who benefits, and why. Some of the posturing she is doing may look good to the public, but look past the liberal press and look at her voting record. She's into everything, Border Patrol, law enforcement, emergency procedures, solar energy, immigration, Iraq, and so on. That's what is called posturing. It like a person who is a member of 50 committees, not time enough to do any good to any of them.


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