Saturday, April 28, 2007

A woman for all seasons

Gabrielle Giffords! She's really becoming the darling of the SE Arizona media, which many consider LIBERAL. In the 4-28-07 issue of the Arizona Daily Star a long article, pictures and all, of how she is now becoming an expert in solar energy. The article titled, "Giffords seeks 'Solar-con 'Valley" is more than about solar energy, it's also about more government control, such as the liberal philosophy. And, since she is vice chairman of the Energy and Environment subcommittee she can probably make waves. Part of her plan is teaching schoolchildren about renewable energy. Who else said, 'give me your children'. And, this smacks of more government control in education. Oh, get this, she wants legislation regarding homeowners associations that prohibit solar cells on neighborhood roofs. More government control. And, if the Constitution means anything, states rights is out the door. She said, "We have a lot of work to do at the FEDERAL level. And, certainly the guys who build solar panels for roof tops are behind her 4-square. (Follow the money.) A

Since CD8 elected the liberal, should CD8 just invite the federal government to just step in and take over, or should the Republicans in CD8 unite and send a conservative to congress new election?


1 comment:

The Arizona Town Crier said...

The goal is to indoctrinate kids, the younger the better - on the evils of capitalism, and the fairness of socialism, and all curricula is aimed at that goal - ruling class / working class socialst model, with the "state" as the ruling class, and the rest of us as the working class - no middle class. In order for socialism to work, there can be no middle class.
Government mandated mass transit
Government regulated foods/beverages
There is no god but the state, from which all "rights" eminate
Government mandated housing
Government mandated (controlled) media - print, radio, TV (fairness doctrine)
Removal of borders North and South to form a more perfect "union."
Removal of property rights - all land belongs to the state
and the list goes on.

Giffords subscribes to the socialist model, as does the Socialist Party of the U.S. (Democrat party).

The people are too ego-centric, too self-absorbed, and being dumbed down in educational (indoctrination) institutions.

Socialism's march in the U.S. is moving forward, pretty much unabated.

It will happen unless Americans who believe in the America we all know, knew, and love are willing to fight to stop the march.
